Monday, February 20, 2012

GBBC Update

Are you keeping track of the birds you're seeing? That's what the GBBC is all about. One weekend of the year, data is collected from anyone who wants to participate to create a snapshot of population data across the U.S. and Canada. So far, I've submitted data for three days. My submissions are part of the 47,077 contributed so far. Over 560 different bird species have been spotted. The top ten birds from all of the submissions are:
1) Cardinals
2) Mourning Doves
3) Juncoes
4) Downy Woodpeckers
5) Crows
6) House Finches
7) Goldfinches
8) Blue Jays
9) Black-capped Chickadees
10) Tufted Titmice

I've seen the first nine in my backyard all three days. Tufted titmice tend to stay farther south in Minnesota. According to the submissions list, someone in Le Seuer, MN spotted titmice. I'd be thrilled but don't expect to see any anytime soon.

Go to the website ( - be sure it's .org and not .com - that's a hunting website.) There are maps and lists to show what data is being generated. And check out the photos people are taking - there is one of a cedar waxwing that is beautiful - wonderful composition and coloring. AND be sure to send in your observations! The birds will appreciate it!

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