Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Sure Sign of Fall

Cutting the grass in the backyard on Sunday, I heard a chipping sound. Not chipping sparrows. Not house sparrows or house finches. Could it be? Nah...

Then I spotted it - flying up from the ground to the fence. Small, gray above, white below with white on the outside of the tail. Yep - it was a junco.

According to the phenology records I keep, juncos show up on average about October 6. The latest I've ever waited for them was October 18 - the earliest September 23. So, it's not too unusual that it took until the 13th.

Juncos - snowbirds. Seeing them means it is definitely fall and the snow isn't far behind. I guess I don't mind that it took so long. We've had day after day of above average temperatures which made up for the endless winter last spring. (You remember? Snow in May?) So, I guess we deserved a lingering autumn even if it means some of our fall friends are showing up later, too. The juncos will be here awhile (a long while? )

1 comment:

  1. Dad saw one recently too. He was looking out the kitchen window and shouted "Oh nooo!" I guess he's not too excited for snow. I have yet to see any in my yard yet. Mostly chickadees, sparrows, and other LBBs. And of course squirrels!
