Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Signs of the Time

Well, I took the plunge and yes- I really did it. I packed away the snow shovels. I know, I know - this is tempting fate, especially considering that we had measurable snow just last week. But it's time to take a stand. The only way to end this perpetual winter is to pack away winter gear. So, the shovels went up into the loft, the mittens, hats, and winter coat were washed and placed back in the closet, and I've switched from jeans to shorts.

Nature seems ready for it to be spring, too. Today, crossing the boardwalk at the nature center, there were male red-winged blackbirds calling and posturing everywhere. Many of them were landing on the railings of the boardwalk, giving me an excellent view of their spring finery. The best sighting was a pair of muskrats. Just past the north platform, out in the cattails, I heard loud rustling. Suddenly, two muskrats came rushing out of a mound of cattails, one chasing the other. Territorial fighting or muskrat love? I'm not sure, but it was amazing to see them up so close. The only downside was not having a camera. But then again, maybe that's why I saw so much - it always seems lots happen when there's no way to permanently record what you see. Oh, well...

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