Sunday, April 14, 2013

Anyone have a magical wardrobe?

Do you know C.S. Lewis's book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe ? It's set in England during WWII. Four children, evacuated from London, spend time at an old house in the country. One day while playing hide-and-seek, they end up in a wardrobe (a big wooden cabinet) that takes them to another world. The land is enchanted by a witch that's made it winter, but never Christmas. And that is what it feels like as it snows again today. Winter with no Christmas.

I mean, really - snow, snow, and more snow. Even the winter of 2011 (2nd snowiest winter ever since they started keeping records) had a spring-like April: temperatures in the 60s with an occasional 70F. Yes, there was snow - in fact, on May 2nd. But it didn't snow every day. The temperatures weren't stuck in the 30s. The ground thawed.

And there isn't even any kind of event happening this month to relieve the monotony. Easter already happened. Memorial Day is six weeks away. And Tax Day doesn't count.

Yah, yah - I know I keep talking about the weather in these posts. But that is what is happening - as sucky as it is. April showers bring May flowers. And May is only sixteen days away. Maybe it will warm up in May. Maybe...

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