Friday, December 14, 2012

What do the crows know?

Remember Hitchcock's "The Birds"? Large flocks of menacing birds harrassing people in a town. Or have you read the Dauphne de Maurier short story called the "The Birds." Very creepy.

So, it's got me wondering - what's up with all the crows around the nature center lately? We've observed the injured crow we care for (named Diablo) pushing food out of its cage for the wild crows to eat. And there are always lots of tracks around his pen. But it's not just that there are lots of crows hanging out by Diablo.

Last week,  about a dozen crows were chasing either a hawk or an owl by the Overlook Pond.

And multiple times over the past week, many on the staff have noticed 20-30 crows gathering on Marie Avenue near the entrance to the nature center. They'll be on the road (even when there doesn't seem to be any food for them to scavenge) and up in the trees, especially on the south side of the street. The crows wait until the last minute to get out of the way of the cars and then  fly right back down to the street as soon as the vehicle has passed.

Bold, curious, gregarious - and very, very intelligent. What are the crows planning?

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