Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lesson for the Day

Temperatures were in the 90s today - lots of sun and humidity. And I learned today that a homemade suet mixture of lard, peanut butter and oatmeal doesn't stand up to the heat. Not even close...

Remember how the creature moved in the movie "The Blob"? That's what it kind of looked. There's nothing like watching globs of  brown goo ooze down the sides of the feeders, dripping onto the squirrel baffles below. Even the woodpeckers weren't interested in the stuff - they'd fly in, peck at the mess in the holes, and fly away. I can only assume they flew off in disgust. "What is this stuff? Yech!"Since I don't speak woodpecker, I guessing at their reaction based on their behavior.

A thunderstorm came through about 7 p.m. and the temperature is dropping. Hopefully, the goo will solidify and be more appealing tomorrow. Or - I need to try something different for the rest of the summer.

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