Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring in Minnesota

Today we awoke to below freezing temperatures for the first time in a month. Given all the plant growth because of the warm weather, there were many concerns about how the the cold would affect the plants. Experts from the Arboretum stated that most of the perennials we're seeing (violets, tulips, daffodils, crocuses) are adapted to a range of temperatures and will withstand the cold just fine.  And while the fruit trees that are blooming will loose blossoms, only about 10% will die off. There are plenty that will survive to bear fruit.

Even with the strong northwest winds that made today seem more like late February than early April, I spotted blooming bleeding hearts by the farm house. Look for the lovely arches of pink heart-shaped flowers by the spruce tree. The tree and the house probably shelter the plant from the worst of the cold.

One last observation about today: I needed to wear my winter coat today. Mittens felt good against the cold breeze. As I came into my house after work, I could hear someone cutting grass. All I could picture was someone in a parka, mittens, and stocking cap pushing their mower back and forth across the lawn. Gotta love Minnesota and it's weird weather.

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